Monday, September 7, 2009

Some Crime Tips For The Elderly

Older people and their families worry about crime. Though older people are less likely to be victims of crime than teenagers and young adults, the number of crimes against older people is hard to ignore. Older people are often targets for robbery, purse snatching, pick-pocketing, car theft, or home repair scams. They are more likely than younger people to face attackers who are strangers. During a crime, an older person is more likely to be seriously hurt than someone who is younger.

But, even though there are risks, don’t let the fear of crime stop you from enjoying life.

Be careful and be aware of your surroundings.

Here are some “do’s and don’ts” that can help you fight crime and stay safe.

Be Safe at Home

Do try to make sure that your locks, doors, and windows are strong and cannot be broken easily. A good alarm system can help.

Do check to be sure your doors and windows are locked – both when you are in the house and when you’re away.

Do make a list of your expensive belongings. You might even take pictures of the most valuable items. Store these papers in a safe place.

Do ask your local police department about marking your valuable property with an I.D. number.

Don’t open your door before you know who’s there. Look through the peephole or a safe window first. Ask any stranger for proof of identity before opening the door. Remember, you don’t have to open the door if you feel uneasy.

Don’t keep large amounts of money in the house.

Do get to know your neighbors. Join a Neighborhood Watch Program if your community has one.

Be Street Smart

Do try to stay alert. Walk with a friend. Stay away from unsafe places like dark parking lots or alleys.

Do keep your car doors locked at all times.

Don’t open your car door or roll-down your window for strangers.

Do park in well-lit areas.

Do carry your purse close to your body with the strap over your shoulder and across your chest.

Don’t resist a robber. Hand over your cash right away if confronted.

Be Safe with Your Money

Do have your monthly pension or Social Security checks sent right to the bank for direct deposit. Try not to have a regular banking routine.

Don’t carry a lot of cash. Put your wallet, money, or credit cards in an inside pocket.

Don’t keep your check book and credit cards together. A thief who steals both could use the card to forge your signature on checks.

Elder Day Care: A Novel Idea

Elder day: Okay, we all know how hectic life is for people nowadays. We have jobs, kids, social lives, and other things that keep us busy.

People have been questioning for years the ethical argument regarding putting elderly people into nursing homes. Some people think that putting the elderly in places where they can be properly cared for is right, while others think that the abandonment of an elderly person's family just because of the complications is wrong.

But we're not here to discuss that question. You are here, my friend, to learn about elder day care.

You should see elder day care as an acceptable compromise between the two sides of the nursing home argument. After all, your parents took care of you, so you should share some responsibility in taking care of them.

This responsibility is misinterpreted by some Americans to be purely financial, when it is not. Trust us to try the solution we have for every problem: throw money at it.

No, caring for the elderly entails an emotional responsibility to the people who took care of you when you could not take care of yourself.

Elder day care shows the possibility that you can take care of the elderly while living a normal hectic lifestyle.

With elder day care, you need not worry about your elderly getting the proper care that they need with the love of your family.

Nursing homes can be such sad places. Everyone wants to stay with his/her family. You can be sure that, no matter how much he/she denies it, your elderly wants to stay with your family.

However, elderly people do not also want to be a burden. You are their family, after all, and they do not wish for you to suffer because of them.

They do, however, want to feel loved. With elder day care, you can give them love and care. Having the services of an elder day care means that you need not send your elderly to a nursing home. You can drop them off and then pick them up again.

This would give your elderly time to reminisce among their colleagues and have their social lives while you go about your activities.

You can be sure that they will be thankful for you introducing them to the concept of elder day care.

With an elder day care, your interactions are not limited by the visiting hours. After all, your elderly will still live with you, in your home.

Elder day care is a novel idea because it actually reconciles the American way of living with the American way of family.

With the passing of the years, the American dream has overtaken the American sense of heritage. The word family has been scoffed and the word "elderly" has been attached to the word "burden".

We need to take the image of a family-based America back, and we need to do it without upsetting the American way of business.

So far, elder day care has provided the best solution to do this.

Right now, the business of elder day care is still in its infancy. Only a few people operate these elder day care services, and most of those people are ordinary individuals who have realized the advantages this type of business offers.

We live in a world where compromise is very important. And since elder day care provides a great compromise to the betterment of the American way of living, why not take advantage of it?